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Tourist service in Lauris :
The village of Lauris stands atop a cliff above the Durance river, which is the southern boundary of the Luberon Regional Natural Park. The narrow winding streets, lined with beautiful homes from the 16th to the 18th centuries, remind one of the long history of this beautiful village, sheltered by its ramparts. The château stands above terraced gardens outlined by drystone walls. Here is where the Dye-plant garden - the jardin conservatoire des plantes tinctoriales is, open to the public. Be sure to see: The Conservatory Garden of Dye-Plants, the old village with its architecture, and fountains, from the 18th and 19th centuries, the 3-garden circuit, the wrought iron bell tower, the church Notre Dame de la Purification (18th c., ) ; many things to do all year long.Equipment
- Restaurant
- Car park
- Media library
- Exhibition space
- Shop
- Wi-fi
- Tourist brochures
- Tourist information
- Cash point
Free access.
Lauris84360 Lauris
This page was produced with the help of theDestination Luberon Monts de Vaucluse